Lost Relic Revealed: The Remarkable Uncovering of a Stone Tablet from the Time of Jesus in Jerusalem

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3 min readMay 20, 2023

In the City of David, the oldest part of Jerusalem, archaeologists have found an ancient document dating back 2,000 years. It contains financial information of a merchant.

Daryag, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The City of David is the oldest part of Jerusalem. Today it is home to an archaeological site where countless excavations have been going on since the 19th century. Discoveries at the site have shed light on the history of the city, as well as the daily life of its inhabitants. They have also helped verify ancient writings, chronicles and even biblical texts that describe the history of the people of Israel.

The ancient account dated back to the Second Temple period

During recent excavations in Israel’s capital, archaeologists found a small stone tablet. The Israel Antiquities Authority reported that financial records were written on it, and the artifact dates back some 2,000 years. Israel’s historiography says this is the so-called Second Temple Period.

It refers to the most important Israelite temple, which was built on the Temple Mount between 537 and 516 B.C., and was demolished in 70 A.D. during the siege of Jerusalem. This was one of the most important clashes in the first Jewish…

