Will AI discover aliens? It has already found 8 signals that were previously overlooked

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4 min readFeb 1, 2023

An AI model developed by scientists has reviewed radio-observation data collected in the search for extraterrestrial life. The AI found as many as eight interesting signals that had previously escaped the researchers’ attention.

[Photo: Peter Schmidt from Pixabay]

Peter Ma is a student at the University of Toronto. He is also the first author of a paper just published in the renowned scientific journal Nature Astronomy. It describes the search for unusual signals in data obtained from observations of 820 distant stars. The researchers used a tool developed by Ma to do this: a specially trained machine learning model.

“In total, we searched 150 terabytes of data, which were first examined with classical techniques in 2017,” he says. — says Peter Ma as quoted by phys.org. — “At that time, they were marked as devoid of interesting signals,” he adds.

A reassessment of the data done with the help of AI yielded a different result. Eight unusual signals were discovered, which had previously escaped the attention of classical algorithms and scientists.

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